
视频竞赛获奖者 - 第1位

Dungenty Crab面临西海岸的不确定未来



Dungeness crab is one of the most valuable commercial fisheries on the U.S. West Coast, worth nearly $170 million in Washington, Oregon, and California in 2014. These crabs are also a vital part of the region’s marine food web, their larvae serving as prey for numerous fish species. But as acidifying waters alter the chemistry of the world’s oceans, scientists and fishermen are just beginning to understand how this economically, culturally, and ecologically important species will be impacted.

五分钟的视频“高希望:Dungenty Crab的未来” - 2016年获胜者耶鲁环境360.视频竞赛 - 专注于加州渔民依赖于物种的生计。Filmmakers Benjamin Drummond和Sara Joy Steele还参观了由国家海洋和大气管理局经营的实验室,研究人员正在研究脆弱的物种如何由于全球变暖而变得更加酸性。

“如果螃蟹从图片中消失,那么这一点就是我钓鱼职业的结束,”旧金山的渔民John Mellor表示。“我认为西海岸的许多其他渔民将在同一条船上。你会看到行业的肿块。“
